William Moyes
‘Titanic’ hero
1889 – 1912
April 2002 marked the 90th anniversary of the sinking of the ‘Titanic’, the pride of the White Star Line which sank on her maiden voyage. One of the hundreds of casualties was William Moyes, Senior Sixth Engineer. Along with his professional colleagues, William remained at his post against orders to leave, working the dynamos which kept the ship’s lights burning, to give as many people as possible the chance of safety. Both William and his father Alexander were well-known local figures, William (known as Billie) having captained the High School of Stirling FP Rugby Club for several years, and his father in his capacity of Headmaster of the High School’s Primary Department.
The Moyes family lived in Cambusbarron, and at a ceremony on 14th April 2002, a memorial plaque was unveiled at their former home.